Thursday 27 September 2012

5,000 Milestones and 5,000 More to Come

Last week was an emotional roller coaster. It was the week of my 22nd birthday and the first holiday to spend away from family. It felt that the hours were going by and I couldn't remember what I had done all day to pass my time. I was a bit lost in my thoughts if there's any way to describe it. Andrew could see that I was struggling and continued to reassure me. He said that if I promise to just accept all that will happen and allow myself to be happy and put all my worries aside until the next week, I would have the best birthday of my life. We would tackle the world again, but it was time for me to enjoy myself. So I made my promise.

It was without a doubt, the best decision I could have ever made! September 21st was a Friday and I awoke to breakfast in bed. He had managed to sneak out and come home quietly to get some English pastries and a caterpillar cake!

After a very lazy morning we got ready to see a Jane Austen Historical Reading at the Theatre Royal. & we ended the evening with a nice dinner out. Up til this point, I had already been feeling very spoiled and loved. But it wasn't over yet... We were scheduled to take the train at 6am for London. Bright and early we were off for our 12 hour day! 
First stop - St. Paul's Cathedral
528 steps to the top! 

Next stop - Tower of London
Ravens are known for living on the tower grounds. But they symbolize something stronger to me and Andrew. Ravens are my dad's favorite bird and in turn have been a part of me. He used to play "Blackbird" by Paul McCartney for me when I was younger. They represent magic and are very entrancing creatures. In Bristol we had seen a model of a Raven in the museum and couldn't believe how huge they actually are. A week later, here we were walking around the Tower of London and up walks a Raven. Strangely, a man nearby happened to have bread and he began to feed the bird. The Raven then proceeded to walk right next to me with the bread in his beak as if to say, "I'm taking this home to my family. See you guys later." As we left the grounds later in the day, we noticed that there were several Ravens in a large enclosed area. But one single Raven happened to be strolling around on his own to meet our visit. It was very special.
Next stop - Tower Bridge Exhibition
What a beautiful day it was! We walked along the very top of it and London was a powerful sight!
Next stop - Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
There was a misunderstanding of when the guided tours were so we were unable to actually see inside the theatre. But on the positive side, we were able to walk along the Thames and see HMS Belfast. Also, it gave us 2 extra hours in our schedule to play with. 
So we happily enjoyed our long walk and subway trip to Big Ben & Houses of Parliament. 
And of course, we can't miss the breathtaking Westminster Abbey.
Next stop - Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column 
Downing Street on the way...
Hello Buckingham Palace! 
So at this point we found ourselves with much more time to spare than was originally in our day's schedule. We sat down at the fountain in front of the palace to relax and enjoy the sun a bit more. And then Andrew informs me that there is a surprise planned before we head back home. My mind races trying to think of what could possibly be left after an incredible day! He had booked us tickets for the London Eye at sunset! First off, Andrew is afraid of heights. Not only did he go to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge for me, but the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe! 
What an enchanting experience! I couldn't have imagined or predicted such a beautiful day to ever exist in time! I really couldn't believe what we had done in one day and how happy we felt every second of it. It couldn't possibly get better...
Once again Andrew went miles beyond what I could ever wish for and showed me that it could get better. As 10pm crawled toward us, our legs were miraculously holding up long enough to reach the door to our building. Andrew says to me, "I'll get my keys out." I then tell him it would be much easier for me to get mine from my purse, but he was already on his knees rummaging through his backpack. I looked around waiting patiently, feeling very sleepy. There wasn't a soul around and it was very peaceful. I could see the dim streetlamp only allowing our view to be close around us. I then looked back down to Andrew and as he turned to me, down on one knee, he opened a little black box and asked, "Will you marry me?" 

Now this is a moment in time that us girls always imagine. We hear love songs on the radio and see princes marry princesses in Disney movies. We think about our future and wonder when our prince charming, our knight in shining armour, our soulmate, will fall into our lives. We all spend time on those who don't deserve us or don't appreciate those who deserve better than us. We live and learn. But when the time does come when we hear those special words, "Will you marry me?" we can never predict what it will feel like until it happens. 

After a day of traveling around magical, historical places, surrounded by strangers, appreciating Mother Nature and God's gift of a sunny day, it is easy to see there were many cliche moments Andrew could have popped the question. He had carried the ring in his backpack the entire day just waiting for the perfect moment. It wasn't until we were home, in complete intimacy and enveloped by the peaceful night, that he asked me to be his wife. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations you two! I'm so excited for you! I'm assuming the answer was YES! That sounds like the cutest day ever. I am so happy for you!
